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Dental implants replace missing teeth with natural-looking, secure fixtures, restoring both function and aesthetics.

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Dental implants offer a solution that is both natural-looking and exceptionally functional for addressing missing teeth. The implant, a small post replacing the tooth root, supports a crown or bridge fixture securely attached above it. This results in a non-removable system that restores your ability to chew and smile with confidence.

Dental Implant Components

  1. Crown – Your specific requirements can determine whether you opt for a single crown, a bridge, or a full arch of teeth fixed to implants. Various types of implant restorations exist, and your dentist will engage in a discussion with you to determine the most suitable option based on your individual needs.
  2. Abutment – To link your implant with the restoration above, an abutment will be employed. Additionally, your dentist might utilize a healing abutment to facilitate proper gum healing during the period between implant placement and the insertion of your restoration.
  3. Implant – The implant is a small titanium post designed to serve as a substitute for your natural tooth root. Through a surgical procedure, it is securely screwed into place and, once healed, is restored to fulfill its functional role. Implant placement should be done by a qualified surgeon for best outcome and to minimize complications.

Implant Treatment Process

Implant treatment involves multiple stages, and the duration varies based on the clinical case. Typically, it follows this structured process:

  1. Implant Placement: The initial stage involves placing the implant in the bone. This procedure, conducted under local anesthesia or sedation, ensures a painless experience. On average, the surgery time is around 30 minutes per implant.
  2. Stitch Removal: Approximately 1-2 weeks after implant placement, the stitches securing the surgical area are removed.
  3. Osseointegration: The subsequent stage focuses on the healing and integration of the implant with the bone, known as osseointegration. This process takes 2-3 months in the mandible and 4-6 months in the maxilla. Additional treatments, such as bone regeneration, may extend the implant healing period.
  4. Implant Uncovering: Following a radiological check to confirm correct integration, a healing cap is applied in a procedure called implant uncovery. This shapes the gum around the implant and is performed under local anesthesia.
  5. Prosthetic Stage: About 2 weeks after uncovery, you can progress to the prosthetic stage. This involves preparing the abutment and prosthetic restoration. The final work preparation generally takes about 2 weeks.

The Optimal Choice for Long-Term Tooth Restoration

Countless adults struggle with one or more missing or deteriorating teeth. At Oral Surgery Specialists of New York, our surgeons proudly provide dental implants as the solution, aiming to restore teeth and instill confidence in our patients.

Dental implants stand out as a favored, long-lasting option meticulously crafted to emulate natural teeth in both appearance and sensation. Your treatment plan is tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring the selection of the most suitable implants under the guidance of our expert oral surgeons in Forest Hills, Jamaica Estates, and Midtown Manhattan.

Understanding Dental Implants

While conventional dentures or bridges focus solely on cosmetic enhancement, dental implants restore both the aesthetic and functional aspects of teeth. They uniquely stimulate the jaw bone akin to natural tooth roots, promoting its strength and averting bone loss.

In cases of bone loss, bone graft surgery can facilitate the regeneration of bone in necessary areas. Following healing, a robust foundation is established, ready to support a dental implant. Atop the implant post, a connecting abutment secures the dental crown, meticulously crafted to complement your smile.

Functionality of Dental Implants

Surgically embedded into the jaw bone, dental implants replicate the function and appearance of natural teeth. Composed of medical-grade titanium, the implant post integrates with the jaw bone, mimicking a tooth root and fostering bone stimulation during chewing, thereby maintaining bone strength and vitality. Thanks to this fusion, the implant boasts the strength akin to a natural tooth, enabling you to comfortably consume a variety of foods, including tough and chewy items like steak, popcorn, jerky, and nuts.

Unlike bridges, which rely on a metal framework, dental implants operate independently, devoid of reliance on adjacent teeth for support. This self-sufficiency not only shields remaining teeth from undue wear but also ensures an even distribution of biting force.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Implant-based tooth restoration offers numerous benefits compared to conventional tooth replacement methods, including:


With high success rates, dental implants can endure a lifetime with appropriate care.

Oral Health Benefits

By preventing bone loss and averting the shifting of adjacent teeth, dental implants contribute to overall oral health.


A complete, naturally functioning smile fosters confidence and self-assurance.

Oral Hygiene

Dental implants require no special maintenance beyond regular brushing and flossing, aligning with natural teeth care practices.

Why Opt for Dental Implants Over Traditional Dentures?

Dental implants offer superior health benefits and convenience compared to traditional dentures and bridgework. Once implanted, they remain in the mouth at all times, eliminating the need for removal during meals and brushing, a common inconvenience associated with dentures. Many individuals who wear full or partial dentures transition to dental implants due to discomfort and the hassle of removal and replacement.

Types of Dental Implants

Our oral surgeons provide a range of implant treatments to cater to diverse patient needs. During consultations, options are outlined, and the most suitable choice is determined, considering both dental requirements and financial constraints.

1. Single Tooth Replacement: Utilizing a single dental implant to replace any tooth in the mouth, whether frontal, canine, or molar.

2. Multiple Teeth Replacement: Implants supported bridges, avoiding reliance on existing teeth and preventing potential damage, while also preventing bone loss.

3. Same-Day Implants: Immediate replacement of extracted teeth with implants during the same visit, provided sufficient jaw structure exists.

4. Full-Arch Restoration: Multiple implant posts are inserted into the dental arch to support a fixed prosthesis, resulting in a transformative, fully functional smile.

Dental Implant Surgery

Performed in our Forest Hills, Jamaica Estates, and Midtown Manhattan offices, dental implant surgery is an oral and maxillofacial procedure ensuring precise placement. Prior to surgery, a consultation with our surgeons is conducted, encompassing 3D scans and virtual guides for optimal surgical planning. Our office employs state-of-the-art technology to generate surgical guides, ensuring accuracy in implant placement. Anesthesia options are discussed during this appointment, with many patients opting for IV sedation.

During surgery, an incision is made in the gum tissue, and the implant post is inserted. Sutures are applied as necessary, and patients remain under observation until deemed fit for discharge. Following IV sedation, arrangements for transportation by a companion must be made.

Over subsequent months, osseointegration occurs as the implant post integrates with the jaw bone. Once fully healed, a secondary procedure is performed to attach the abutment if not previously done. Finally, the restorative dentist crafts and places the final crown.

Types of Anesthesia

Our practice offers a range of anesthesia and sedation options:

Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants varies depending on several factors, including the number and type of implants, insurance coverage, preferred anesthesia, and any additional procedures such as bone grafting or tooth extraction. To ascertain the cost of dental implantation, schedule a consultation with Oral Surgery Specialists of New York.

Unlike removable dentures and bridges requiring periodic replacement, dental implants offer durability and stability. With no moving parts, they facilitate comfortable eating and speaking, and importantly, avert bone loss associated with tooth loss. Investing in dental implants equates to investing in long-term oral health and a confident smile.

Value of Replacing Missing Teeth

Your teeth play a crucial role in oral and overall health. Maintaining a functional, aesthetically pleasing smile is paramount in preventing dental complications and fostering self-assurance. Dental implants restore the ability to enjoy favorite foods, uphold oral hygiene, and confidently showcase your smile. By opting for dental implants, you make a lifelong commitment to oral health and well-being.

To learn more about dental implants and find out if it’s right for you, schedule an appointment at Oral Surgery Specialists of New York by phone or online today.
Book Appointment(718) 739 1300

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is typically reserved for surgical complex procedures like orthognathic (jaw) surgery or facial trauma, as it induces complete unconsciousness. This form of anesthesia is commonly administered in a hospital setting and requires intubation during the procedure.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is administered via the arm or hand, inducing a rapid transition to a sleep-like state for patients. With this type of anesthesia, you will be partially or even fully asleep and will likely forget the entirety of the procedure. If IV sedation is chosen, it’s necessary for an adult to accompany you and drive you home following the procedure.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as laughing gas, is a gentle sedative administered through a mask placed over the mouth and nose. This gas effectively alleviates anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures, ensuring patients feel at ease and relaxed. The patient is able to interact with the doctor and respond to any directions or questions.

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia involves injecting medication directly into the surgical site to numb the area. This ensures your comfort throughout the procedure, and the numbing effect typically subsides within a few hours. Additionally, local anesthesia can be used in conjunction with other anesthesia methods.